Saturday, August 22, 2015

Item Morph Animation

Beauty pageants are very important in my personal life, as they have helped me grow into a more well rounded woman throughout my life. I decided to do a rather quick hand drawn animation for three items that are apart of every pageant girl's world. The crown, the sash and an evening gown are all something we recognize or have in our possession. 

Despite the rather shortness of the video, there are many frames that go into making the progression of the morphing happen. About 40 individual hand drawn frames were outlined and colored to give the effects. The coloring and lining are only in draft format and are not perfect, but I only intended to practice the motions and framework that goes into animation.

It is now a few day before fall 2015 semester starts at Ohio State and I wanted to practice art before my classes got a bit overwhelming. I will be practicing my figures and sketches throughout the semester and hope to share them with you. I have some craft projects and logo work that I will soon be prepared to share and will make a post about them when ready.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Cyborg Buchaechum

During Spring 2015 semester at Ohio State, I got back into art classes by taking art 2500. It was actually a repeat class that was equal to a class I took at CCAD, but I felt that taking this again was a refresher on what I need to know as a digital artist. I'm glad I did this, because I was able to do things that I was highly proud of and even made a simple sketch I did a year earlier in April 2014 become a finished work of art.

The image was sketched in a program that I really enjoy to use: Autodesk Sketchbook Pro. I'm still learning to master the program and took the chance of our project in this class to keep using the program to learn more about it. I took the time to make many mistakes, which lead to me understanding how the program worked, and what I exactly wanted to do to color and line my work until it was at a finished quality.

The idea of this work, which I titled Cyborg Buchaeum, is to put traditional Korean culture and the rapidly technological growing culture together of Korea into one. The past two semesters have helped me connect to the culture of Korea even further, as being able to that introductory Korean language classes have enabled me to read, write and speak the language better than I have before. Especially reading and writing, which I did know know by studying alone.

So what is Buchaechum? It is a traditional fan dance done in the traditional dress called the Hanbok. The fan seen in the drawing is a signature characteristic of the dance. Usually this dance is performed by women, however in modern times men have learned the art as well. In fall 2014 semester, I learned this dance in my Korean dance class and have been in love with the beauty of the dance before I even knew how to do it.  I believe that is what gave me the passion for this piece.

I'm really glad of the result of this piece. I was honored to even see it up in the end of the year show at Ohio State called "Pilot Wave." As mentioned before in  the last post, this drawing plus a video of mine also helped me become the National Vision Award winner at the Starjewel Pageant held last week. I'm quite proud of my achievements and will try to do some creative projects in between the summer algebra class and art history class that I'm currently taking.

Until then enjoy the month of June!!

- Cristina

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Blog Reboot!!!!

It has been a long time since I posted on this blog, two years to be exact. Let me kindly explain. My last year at Columbus College of Design (CCAD) was wonderful. I learned many things including how to make storyboards, anamatics, character design and more. During that year I had also questioned the very being of my animation degree progress at the school. It was not that I did not enjoy animation, however I felt that something was lacking in my degree. At the time I had no idea what that missing aspect was.

Unfortunately due to financial reasoning, my time at CCAD was cut short. Though this change might have been very positive for me. I was actually given time to think about what I was going to do with my art career by looking at the art I produced at the school. If I had a choice on the project I had been working on, a large portion of my video work had Korean pop music used in the background, and many of my other non-video related work had elements of Korean culture in it. My missing element was the fact that I didn’t speak Korean fluently, and I couldn’t read or write  the language I loved so much.

Figure One

This is when I began to search for schools that had Korean and Art as majors available. Little did I know that the school only a few miles away, The Ohio State University (OSU), offered the path that I wanted. I applied to OSU during my last semester at CCAD – only to be denied right away. I’ll admit, I was crushed right away, but I’m not a person who gives up easily. I wanted to show the admissions staff at OSU that I was worthy of being a buckeye and focused hard on my last art classes. I earned a 4.0 semester with straight As. I reapplied to OSU during fall of 2013 and started my first classes there during spring semester of 2014.

As you could imagine, adjusting to the large school was a huge change for me. The hardest part so far has been trying to get through my GEs (such as math and science) that I believed I would never touch again after high school ended. I’ve been in Korean courses for two semesters now and have a basic understanding of the language more. I also began to take art courses again in the past semester. This is where my art journey has begun to unfold again. After two years without an art class, I really have not been doing much drawing, but I’m going to change that.

Figure two

Figure two is titled Cyborg Buchaechum, my latest work of art. It was a sketch from last year that I decided to work on for class. It made the end of the year show in Hopkins Hall titled “Pilot Wave”.  As pictured in figure one, this piece of work, and a previous anamatic that I had made were also submitted to the Starjewel Showcase Nationals just last night. The director thought I was fitted for the honorary Vision Award because of those submissions. It means a lot to m, as these pieces have a lot to do with my inner self. I also won Miss Starjewel Supreme Queen last night.

 For now, that will be all.  As I rebuild myself in the art world, I’ll be posting more on this blog. I’ll explain in more detail about Cyborg Buchaechum and my classes at Ohio State University.

- Cristina