Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pipeline Project - Credit Editing Part 2

Editing the credits for The Lost Files will be completed during today (Tuesday)'s work session in class.
There was a lot of progress made on Thursday, however there are a few things that are needed to be completed before we move on to other things in the documentary and animation departments.

Last week, I went through files of photos provided by the photographers to see which ones would be decent shots to add into the credits. Christine went thru the photos with me and we selected from the images that I chose to be in the final cut. Arranging the letters became difficult, so we wouldn't be blocking the text with a photo that faded in.

The original plan for the credits was to have them be 30 seconds long. As a test, we added less time to see the results. At 19 seconds, the credits and images roll too fast to be comfortable for our eyes. This will be edited longer time frame once more. Everyone's roles must be edited as well to be more specific for that the person has actually done.

There is one section that needs to be filled out - music credit. It was just announced to me yesterday that  The Lost Files received permission from the person who created the music that was being used as the base around The Lost Files. Their name and the song title will be placed in the spot we saved in the credits.

(The Lion King, Disney)

I was watching different credits to get a base of how ours felt among ones used for industry produced movies and t.v shows. I noticed that Disney places their logo at the end of the credits. The signature castle with the shooting star and "Walt Disney Pictures" shows as a reminder that it is a production by Disney. I asked the Emma and the head of my department what they thought about the idea and they liked it. This is why we have added the logo for The Lost Files at the end of the credits sequence.

(Kim Possible, Disney)

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